In Year Admissions
For admission to school outside the regular Admissions process – “In Year Admission” – information and links to the online application form can be found at:
Hertfordshire Primary Schools In Year Admissions
Where there are spaces in a year group, we will be pleased to meet with prospective parents/ carers and show you round the school – please contact the School Office for an appointment.
Where the roll is full, an application may still be made to Hertfordshire County Council, which will place your child’s name on the Continuing Interest list for the relevant year group. In the event of a place becoming available, the general over subscription rules detailed on our Reception Admissions page will apply. It should be noted that if your child is already on the school’s continuing interest list, he/ she will be removed from the list on the last day of the summer term and a new In Year application must be made to Herts County Council if you wish to be continue to be considered for a place.